18 Korean Artists Collaborate To Spread Unity and Happiness Amid Social Distancing
With all this madness going on due to the novel #coronavirus — the self-quarantines, curfews, unemployments and mandatory quarantines — we have seen a lot of people coming together and spreading happiness to each other.
In Italy, we’ve seen people singing together on their verandas and playing disco music. Fitness instructors have held group exercises for residents to follow from their windows and balconies in Spain. In my personal Facebook feed, friends who work from home have been referring to their kids as “co-workers” and sharing the crazy things they’re doing to find some comic relief. Isn’t it lovely to also see some positivity among these trying times?
In the Korean entertainment world, a total of 18 indie musicians got together to create the “Room Room Project,” where they contemplate and share the “power of connection between rooms” even through this social distancing caused by this pandemic. The project resulted in the collaborated production of this song which they all recorded individually from their own studio homes. All shots of the music video were also taken from their homes, but they give us a feeling that we can all still be together even though we are physically apart. We are able to interact and create things together through the distance.
Another lonely day has passed | 또 외로운 하루가 지나갔어
Feeling scared tomorrow will come | 또 우려운 내일이 올 것 같아
Scared to go outside | 밖으로 나가기가 두려워져
Missing the sunlight, I tell you | 밝은 햇살이 그럽지만 말야
I miss you so much | 니가 너무 봅고싶어졌어
Let me hear your voice | 니 목소리를 들려줘
It’s okay. It’ll be okay | 괜찮아 작 될거야
you have a brilliant future | 너에겐 눈부신 미래가 있어
it’s okay it’ll be okay | 괜찮아 잘 될거야
We believe in you, no doubt | 우린 널 믿어 의심치 않아
Whatever your reason is to live | 너만의 살아가야할 이유 그게 무엇이 됐든
If you live without regrets, that’s Superstar | 후회없이만 산다면 그것이 superstar
In the video, they all hold individual papers with Hangul printed on them. Together, they read “함깨하는 마음으로 코로나19 이겨내요” which translates to “Let’s get through COVID19 together.”
The artists that participated on this are Coffee Boy (커피소년), J HYESUN (J-Rabbit), MC Meta, Thomas Cook, Park YoonShik (from Crying Nut), Park SungRyung (from Double Decker | 이층버스), Shin DongHoon (from /JAE BEE POP KEY | 제비뽑기), Corner Stone of the Soul (영호네 구멍가게), Lee EunSang, Lee SangMi, Shin HyunHee, Joa Band (좋아서하는밴드), Hey Men (DongYoung, Terry Kim and GongTan), and Bulldog Mansions’s Lee HanCheol and Seo ChangSeo.
If you’re in lockdown or in self-isolation due to #coronavirus, how are you spending your time? Share some happiness!