Are Smart Plugs Really Worth It?

Omar Velarde
8 min readNov 10, 2023
Source: Canva

Gone are the days when we fantasized about turning on the lights on command. Remember being at the airport and wondering if we left the TV on? Enter the era of smart plugs, where such musings are but mere echoes of the past.

Smart plugs have emerged as the unsung heroes of the past decade — I mean, they have elevated our convenience and practicality game. Every time I come home, it feels nice to have the entry lights already conveniently on. I schedule them to turn on at sunset so my pets don’t dwell in darkness until my return.

Let’s unravel how these smart power devices can make your life easier and help you zap your electricity bill in the face of a spiking economy. Every bit of savings can make a significant impact on your energy consumption.

Control From Anywhere

The most common feature of any smart device is the ability to control them via an app. While the features of each smart socket brand may differ — ranging from scheduling routines to tracking energy consumption — the universal function is controlling the plug’s power and status tracking.

Labeling sockets, power strips, and extenders in the apps helps identify with ease powered appliances. Power strips and extenders should bear the name of their location (living room, foyer, bedroom, etc.), while sockets adopt…



Omar Velarde

Hospitality and marketing background. Art and design enthusiast. Lover of folklore and mythology. Kpop junkie. Hooman bean writing for fun to share my views.